We brought Indiana to Los Angeles and experienced life as a 1985 Hawkins resident - in real life. Complete with realistic sets, chilling audio and live action performances, the thrilling world of Stranger Things offered an immersive adventure from the comfort of your car; a drive-into experience like no other.

Netflix - Stranger Things

The "Drive-Into" Car Safari

Location: Los Angeles
Autumn 2020

In April 2020, amidst the upheaval of the Covid pandemic, I had the honor of serving as Creative Director for Netflix's groundbreaking project: bringing Indiana to Los Angeles. Over 345,000 audience members stepped into the shoes of 1985 Hawkins residents in what became the world's first Covid-safe car safari. With realistic sets, chilling audio, and live action performances, we transformed the thrilling world of Stranger Things into an immersive adventure right from the comfort of their cars—a drive-in experience unlike any other.

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